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Lawtons Africa
Aug 24, 20236 min read
No need for “poison pills”? Why hostile takeovers tend to fail in South Africa
In the cut-throat realm of corporate power plays, where alliances crumble and ambition

Lawtons Africa
Aug 8, 20237 min read
Who can appoint brokers in terms of the Regulations to the Medical Schemes Act
In 2010, the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) published Circular 20 of 2010 in respect of the appointment of brokers by employers,

Lawtons Africa
Mar 27, 20235 min read
Can an arbitrator award damages in terms of section 12B(4)(a) of the Petroleum’s Product Act?
Section 12B of the Petroleum’s Product Act 120 of 1977 (PPA) is a mechanism for quick and effective resolution of disputes that may arise

Lawtons Africa
May 17, 20225 min read
The appealability of interim Interdicts
It is settled law that interim interdicts granted by the High Court are not appealable, particularly because of the nature and purpose they

Lawtons Africa
Dec 9, 20216 min read
The importance of a name
If indeed a brand is the single most important investment of a business, it isn’t surprising that the name (brand) of a medical scheme bears

Lawtons Africa
Jul 8, 20214 min read
Legal-decision making and AI
Simply defined, Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to any piece of software that is capable of “machine learning”. Sample data is input and

Lawtons Africa
Mar 11, 20214 min read
Counter-application vs collateral challenge
Can a court find that a contract is invalid and unlawful in the absence of a review application specifically requesting it to do so? ...

Lawtons Africa
May 29, 20205 min read
Extended medical cover during COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is a first for the South African healthcare industry and with testing and treatment for the disease now included...

Lawtons Africa
Apr 24, 20206 min read
Adjudication in construction contracts: What next for relief?
Multi-level dispute resolution mechanisms are common in construction contracts today, and a recent decision in the Supreme Court of...

Lawtons Africa
Apr 16, 20205 min read
Relief offered to retail tenants by property industry
On 7 April 2020, the Property Industry Group, a newly formed collective of the country’s major commercial property representative bodies...

Lawtons Africa
Apr 2, 20204 min read
Force-majeure during COVID lockdown in South Africa
The announcement by President Cyril Ramaphosa that South Africa has just entered a 21-day lockdown to mitigate the effects of the global...

Lawtons Africa
Apr 1, 20204 min read
COVID-19 lockdown gently nudges court procedure into the 4th industrial revolution
The coronavirus pandemic has begun to test the court system and curtailed most of its work, although it has endeavoured to continue...

Lawtons Africa
Mar 31, 20206 min read
Spreading of fake news regarding COVID-19
During these trying times the key is for individuals and companies to remain calm and try and adjust. Unfortunately, social media and...

Lawtons Africa
Jul 31, 20175 min read
The "next highest court"
On 10 November 2016, the full bench of the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria in the case of the Member of the...
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