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Lawtons Africa
Jun 10, 20224 min read
Competition law post the national state of disaster
The novel Covid-19 virus necessitated the introduction of several unprecedented measures aimed at mitigating its impact

Lawtons Africa
Mar 15, 20223 min read
Can you commission documents virtually?
Limiting physical contact between people has long been held as the most effective way of stopping the spread of Covid-19.

Lawtons Africa
Jan 27, 20225 min read
Inquiry into an employee’s incapacity requires more from an employer than meets the eye
Inquiry into an employee’s incapacity requires more from an employer than what meets the eye

Lawtons Africa
Nov 10, 20212 min read
COIDA covers COVID-19 side effects
Regulation 4(10) of the regulations under section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act

Lawtons Africa
Oct 20, 20214 min read
The legality of mandatory COVID-19 vaccination in the workplace
It has been just over 19 months since the first positive COVID-19 case was identified and confirmed in South Africa.

Lawtons Africa
Sep 8, 20216 min read
Restraints remain valid during the pandemic
On 20 May 2021, in the case of Bulldog Abrasives Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd v Davieand Another the Labour Court found that while the Covid-19

Lawtons Africa
Mar 25, 20214 min read
COVID-19: Does the right to health mean the right to a vaccine?
When we celebrated Human Rights Day on 21 March 2021, much introspection had taken place in the year since Human Rights Day 2020, which...

Lawtons Africa
Mar 16, 20215 min read
Digital transformation in Africa through the lens of COVID-19
“Whether as a tool to fight the spread of the virus, or as a means to ensure continuity in business, education, and everyday life in the...

Lawtons Africa
Sep 10, 20202 min read
Protecting against unlawful dispossession: the mandament van spolie
Unlawful evictions are a common feature during tough economic times. While some protection is afforded by the Disaster Management...

Lawtons Africa
Jul 31, 20205 min read
COVID-19 and business interruption cover
Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and the resultant lockdown in South Africa, hesitance to pay out claims by large insurance...

Lawtons Africa
Jul 23, 20201 min read
Extended TERS Benefits for July “until 15 August 2020”
Whilst no Directive has been issued the Employment and Labour Ministry on 21 July 2020 announced an extension to the COVID-19 TERS relief...

Lawtons Africa
Jul 10, 20209 min read
Employment Law – Case Update
A number of recent judgments in the Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court, including matters arising from employment arrangements and...

Lawtons Africa
Jun 19, 20203 min read
Retrenchments – Employers be warned
The COVID-19 disruption with the continued national lockdown to business and a pre-existing depressed local economy is forcing many...

Lawtons Africa
May 29, 20205 min read
Extended medical cover during COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is a first for the South African healthcare industry and with testing and treatment for the disease now included...

Lawtons Africa
May 22, 20202 min read
Electronic signature of bond documents during the lockdown and beyond
As a result of the lockdown, commercial banks and law firms have needed to look at alternative ways to obtain clients’ signatures. Long...

Lawtons Africa
May 4, 20206 min read
COVID-19: The legal basis for medical intervention against a person’s Will
South Africans have a constitutional right to bodily integrity, which makes medical intervention without their consent unlawful...

Lawtons Africa
Apr 30, 20208 min read
How to reduce and eliminate the escalation of COVID-19 infections in the workplace
During his national address on 23 April 2020, President Ramaphosa acknowledged that “our people need to eat. They need to earn a living.

Lawtons Africa
Apr 30, 20202 min read
Latest Directive in respect of access to the Labour Court
We have now received the latest Directive in respect of access to the Labour Court. This Directive which was issued on 28 April 2020 will...

Lawtons Africa
Apr 28, 20201 min read
COVID-19 useful links
Listed below are links to relevant government notices and regulations, as and when we receive them.

Lawtons Africa
Apr 24, 20203 min read
Trading forward with the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) despite COVID-19
Implementing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) – the continent’s most ambitious integration initiative – on 1 July 2020...
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