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Is a criminal record a justifiable bar to employment or does it amount to unfair discrimination?
Is a Criminal Record a Justifiable Bar to Employment or Does it Amount to Unfair Discrimination?
Lawtons Africa
Jul 18, 20244 min read

Lawtons Africa - Making a Difference in Society. Shaping Social Justice and Empowerment
Lawtons Africa, under the leadership and vision of Sarah Goldman, is committed to community betterment and the legal empowerment
Lawtons Africa
Oct 5, 20234 min read

Can an arbitrator award damages in terms of section 12B(4)(a) of the Petroleum’s Product Act?
Section 12B of the Petroleum’s Product Act 120 of 1977 (PPA) is a mechanism for quick and effective resolution of disputes that may arise
Lawtons Africa
Mar 27, 20235 min read

The body corporate series
Can’t meet your financial obligations?
Lawtons Africa
Oct 4, 20223 min read

The appealability of interim Interdicts
It is settled law that interim interdicts granted by the High Court are not appealable, particularly because of the nature and purpose they
Lawtons Africa
May 17, 20225 min read

Public Procurement Bill aims to simplify processes
South Africa is awash with numerous public procurement laws exacerbated by further COVID-19 related regulations. The current version of...
Lawtons Africa
May 18, 20205 min read

Adjudication in construction contracts: What next for relief?
Multi-level dispute resolution mechanisms are common in construction contracts today, and a recent decision in the Supreme Court of...
Lawtons Africa
Apr 24, 20206 min read
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