POPIA Privacy
As the South African Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act) officially came into effect on 1 July 2021, Lawtons Africa herewith notifies all clients, suppliers and third parties that Lawtons Africa prioritises the protection of your and your organisation’s personal information.
Personal information is information that identifies you or your organisation, for example, a name, race, gender, marital status, identity number, financial status, contact details and biometric information.
The POPI Act promotes the right to privacy while at the same time, protecting the flow of information and the right of access to information. The POPI Act establishes the rights and duties of organisations to collect and use personal data for business, balanced against the right of individuals to have their personal details respected.
This notification sets out how personal information will be collected, used and protected by Lawtons Africa as required by the POPI Act.
The personal information that Lawtons Africa acquires will be processed for the purpose for which Lawtons Africa was mandated by the client, supplier and third party to act on his/her/its behalf and such processing will be in strict adherence to the requirements as set out in the POPI Act of 2013 and in terms of the Engagement Letter and Terms of Engagement, or Service Level Agreement concluded with such parties and Lawtons Africa, respectively.
Clients, suppliers and third parties acknowledge that the collection, processing and transfer of the information is important to for the execution of their mandate by Lawtons Africa.
Further to the above, Lawtons Africa collects and uses personal information mainly to:
Communicate and interact with our suppliers and clients. Such communication and interaction may be done via email, by phone, post or online (through our website or social media platforms).
Provide information or services that suppliers and clients may request from us.
Comply with legal obligations, for example, the Companies Act and the Income Tax Act.
Improve our services by conducting research and surveys to obtain feedback from our suppliers and clients.
Inform suppliers and clients about changes at Lawtons Africa.
Lawtons Africa will collect personal information directly from clients, suppliers and third parties or their authorised representatives by virtue of the terms of engagement and service level agreements, etc. Lawtons Africa may also collect personal information from other sources, if the POPI Act allows for this to be done, for example, company registration information collected from the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC), etc.
All personal information will be held securely. Whenever Lawtons Africa commissions correspondent attorneys, counsel, sheriffs and the like to provide support services and/or to assist with the execution of your mandate, Lawtons Africa will conclude an agreement recorded in writing with the operator to establish and maintain confidentiality and security measures to ensure the safety of personal information.
Lawtons Africa has put in place appropriate measures and applied industry best practices to safeguard personal information against access by unauthorised persons, unlawful disclosure, or
breaches. Should Lawtons Africa become aware that personal information has been compromised in any way, we will notify you accordingly, as well as the relevant regulatory authorities within the prescribed timelines. As part of the notification of the breach, Lawtons Africa will advise of the nature of the breach and what actions may be taken to protect your information.
Lawtons Africa’s Privacy Policy can be reviewed here.
If you have any queries relating to the information contained in this email, please contact our Information Officer on: popiacompliance@lawtonsafrica.com or +27 11 286 6900.
Promotion of Access to Information Manual
Prepared in accordance with section 51 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act No. 2 of 2000 (as amended) (“PAIA”) read with the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (“POPIA”).
Key contact

Zaakira Haffejee
+27 11 775 6326
+27 11 286 6900
Practice area:
Corporate / transaction advisory & commercial, Corporate governance, Data Privacy and POPIA